Monday, April 23, 2012


Often times the question arises, if there were a dinner and you could have it with any people who have passed, who would they be?

I have my answers.

1. Jesus Christ
2. Bob Marley
3. Malcolm X
4. Abraham Lincoln
5. Mahondas Gandhi
6. Confucius
7. Aristotle
8. Slug of Atmosphere

(Honorable mention, Huey Freeman of the Boondocks, but I'm not counting him because he is fictional)

Can you imagine what kind of dinner this would be?  Can you imagine the conversation that would take place?  I believe I have an all star line-up and would come out of this conversation incredibly enlightened.  I would definitely have my notebook out.

The reason I chose this combination of people is that all of these people have something to contribute to the conversation.  Many of them have things in common, but there are also those who form their opinions in the exact opposite manner of what another guest at the table would base their logic on.

Let me go through why I chose each of these candidates

Jesus Christ

Obviously, I am a Christian.  Jesus is the one and only Savior.  But in addition to being the Messiah, he was also looked at as a regular person.  His personal qualities and teachings would be true gems to get to witness in person.  Also, he would have impact on what the others at the table had to say.  He cannot tell lies, say anything wrong, or sin in any way shape or form.  Some would hold everything he said in high regards, while others would simply dismiss the latter.  An extremely intelligent man, he could prove or tell through parable almost everything.  The Lord is my Shepherd.

Bob Marley

His music inspired for generations upon generations.  Though it was unknown if Bob Marley drew religious insight from sources aside from the Rastafarian movement, he was a very spiritual person as is observed through his music.  It seemed as if Bob was enlightened to almost a god-like state.  This reggae icon's smarts came not from knowledge of education or smarts, but rather philosophy through observance and experience.   His professing of peace, love and unity are enough to make anyone question what they are doing in this life.  I would like to think he treats all people as equals.  It would be very interesting to hear his philosophies measured up against some of those who came before him, and see if anyone else with high intelligence could find flaws in what he said.  I would be joyed to hear what he had to say.  "One Love."

Malcolm X

This is where things would get interesting.  The previous people have mainly preached peace and passive philosophy, and then we have this man.   indicting white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans. Detractors accused him of preaching racism, black supremacy, antisemitism,  and violence. This man had been through some of the harshest times and fought so that his people would not have to endure them in the future.  Though his philosophy was highly regarded, few know that he was on the opposite path before he turned to his more promoted teachings.  I wonder what the other guests would have to say about this?  This man took aggressive manners when passive acts just weren't doing anything.  Respect.  "By any means necessary."

Abraham Lincoln

 A man known for telling the truth and going down in history as one of America's greatest presidents.  I'm sure he would garner a friend in X for thwarting the expansion of slavery.  A man who was to my knowledge a Christain, and a man who intended to do good.  Although he is just a human.  Let's see how corruptible he is. Honest Abe.

Mahondas Gandhi

Also known as Mahatma Gandhi, or "The Great Soul". Here is a man that was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British ruled India. Employing non-violent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world.  Fought for what he believed in through peace.  Ironic.  I would greatly enjoy to hear his endeavors and how the world treated him through his humble and peaceful, yet looked down upon my many revolutionaries, methods.  We'll see how well he get's along with my homie Malcolm X.  "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."


Politician, teacher, social philosopher extraordinaire, Confucius would fit in well at this table. The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice, and sincerity. One of the deepest teachings of Confucius may have been the superiority of personal exemplification over explicit rules of behavior. His moral teachings emphasized self-cultivation, emulation of moral exemplars, and the attainment of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of rules.   Author of the 5 Chinese classics, this man has knowledge for ages.  Let's see how the Confucian classics hold up against what everyone else has to say. "If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself." Well buddy, let's see what you can do with 8


A teacher in pretty much anything you can think of, and mentor of Alexander The Great himself, this man one would think cannot be argued with.  Rhetoric, politics, history and optics, what could one do against his brain no one could stop this.  His morals would definitely clash with others at the table.  The times have vastly changed since he has been around.  What has he predicted? What has he foretold correctly and incorrectly? Also, what would he be able to prove against those who could possibly prove even him wrong? "All men by nature desire knowledge" We shall see.

Slug of Atmosphere

O Sluggo, my old friend.  The day I met you was an inspirational one.  Slug depicts the struggles of life and the tribulations of the rugged and troubled mind in his music in a way not many others can imitate.  An obviously intelligent man, but one with obvious biases.  Complex as the rhyme schemes and wordplay he shells out song after song, this man is full of street knowledge as well as intellectual treasures.  It would be intriguing to see what the Sad Clown had to say to the other guests.  By the end of the night, I would definitely have to  "Just take a breath and reflect".

And then

you have


Jacob Daniel Mager.  JakeTheSnake.  Contra. VenomMenace.  What would I contribute to this lovely evening?

God gave us 2 eyes and 2 ears so we could watch and listen twice as much as we talk.

I would only be listening.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Welcome, the cure for your suffering, tell them it's pure
No subtle hints of weak substances cutting it
I chuckle when evil and pride collide with judgement
Add that to your buzz and the results is malfunction
No longer should I listen to your babble
Too many coming off the deep end
With a steady stream of shallow

We travel like the wind across a rotten fruited plane
Travel like the blood that surrounds your brain
Atmosphere is landed demanding that we change the curve
So unravel your thoughts and come across in a verse

Aside from Slug being a lyrical genius, and contrary to the fact that the verse regards ripping an MC to pieces, this verse conveys very effectively the self constructed mindstate embraced by yours truly.

This life is one long journey.  A travel.  Never ending until lifespan permits, personal choice, or a twist of fate reconfigures.  The roads, times, turns, paths, and methods of travel are all decisions made by you to get there.  Each experience may be considered a pit stop.  And with the infinite amount of stops, the road, ocean, air or path always remains when we start up our journey again.

With each pit stop we may

Run out of energy
Become damaged
Reroute course
Switch vehicles
 Lose parts
Encounter bad weather
Break down
and whichever other metaphor satisfies your interpretation.

The bottom line, at the end of the day, is that we still travel.  How so is up to you.  And you alone.

The mindset and travel plans are also yours to make or break.

Which is why it brings me back to this song.  O Slug, my old friend.  Whimsically executing verbal acrobatics exemplifying experiences throughout his travels.  We have much in common.

The meaningless "tribulations" or as most would put it, "problems," to us are not subjects to dwell upon.  Rather to grow upon.

The positive experiences add to our fuel, as well as our confidence and minds as to reference during the previous. But no matter what we do, after the smoke clears

We travel.

Some go farther than others
Some stay at a slow and steady pace

But we must keep moving.  Because if not.....

We get left in the dust, ran over, and trampled.

It's all in a state of mind. The insignificant should be ran over.  Dropped weight. Let nothing effect you.  Be impossible to phase.  Be on the move constantly.  Travel.  Because sometimes,


It's about how much ground you can cover.

You may never know how much longer your journey will be

Monday, April 9, 2012


In a world
where night time is revered.
where daylight is shunned
but darkness is feared

Passes by the cats in the dark alley.
where we ponder on the rooftops,
and do not keep tally

of anything at all.
constantly attempting takeover
is evil.  Waiting for us to fall.

Where demons float above us
both living and our own
Which are fact which are fiction?
How we wish we could have known

Where the bad, dark, and suppressed reign supreme
Where we live in constant wondering
If we will obtain mercy from these beings

Where angels and demons are in constant battle
fighting for our souls, sounds muffled but
We often hear their rattle

Thoughts read and stolen
minds paralyzed in fear
Attempts to retreat the happy place
but nothing for sure is near

The constant fight to seek reality
and separate from delusions
And sharpen morality

Dark sunshine and dim moons
fireflies of hope floating
enclosing walls in rooms

Trapped in the projections of my mind
In a world
My world.